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  • March 16, 2021 4 min read

    Our hips don’t lie. Neither do our jeans. 

    Yep, the weight has slowly crept up while we were busy making a living, running after kids or caught up in everyday activities.

    Looking to shed those pesky pounds? 

    You have a lot of diets and weight loss advice floating around. Some good, some outright bad. Not to mention the quick fix claims. You’ll definitely lose some weight on a crash diet but gain it all back when you resume a normal one. 

    What you need is sustainable and long-term loss. 

    Long term weight loss = Fat loss. 

    My beginner’s guide to fat loss will show you how.

    What is Fat Loss?

    If you want to lose weight aka fat, one approach is to focus on calories. Consume fewer calories every day to create a deficit and you’re on the path to fat loss. When your body is out of fuel to burn, it will use the glycogen (carbs stored in muscle) and then stored fat.  A great way to optimize this process is to incorporate a good system of eating and nutrition to get the best of both worlds.

    How Do You Lose Body Fat?

    Fat loss can be difficult if you aim for perfection or opt for a drastic cut in calories all at once. The better way to do it is to get onto a manageablesystem you can maintain long term. This will lead to a gradual loss of fat at a sustainable level. 

    How does this translate into food calories? 

    One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. To lose ½ lb of fat per week, you should aim to create a calorie deficit of 250kcal every day. For a weekly loss of 1lb, the daily calorie reduction will be 500kcal. If your goal is any more than this, consider a tailored program like ajuice cleanse to accomplish your goals. 

    How Do You Count the Calories You Need? 

    The average, fairly active man is expected to consume 2600 calories, while a moderately active woman needs 2000 calories to maintain their current weight.

    Your actual calorie consumption will depend on your age, gender, height, activity and weight. Calculate the amount you need to eat each day with this calculator. This is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).To lose weight/fat, remove 250 or 500 calories from this figure.

    Does that mean you eat less food? 

    You can achieve this deficit with adiet change, ajuice cleanse and an exercise regimen that you enjoy.

    How to Track Calories?

    If you want to attain your fat loss goal, consider tracking the calories consumed and burned every day. 


    1. Maintain a food journal and note down the meals and the calories consumed. You can stick to good old pen and paper or use apps like myfitnesspal or fatsecret to monitor your calories.
    2. Measure food ingredients (3-4 oz of lean protein, ½ cup of whole grains, unlimited vegetables) to get an accurate picture of what and how much you eat.
    3. Keep a track of your physical activities or workouts. Make use of wearables or mobile apps to track your exercise session or runs, and the calories burned in the process.

    What Foods Should You Eat?

    When it comes to specific diets, what works for your friend may not be the best solution for you. Every body is uniquely different, so you should find a way of eating that is best suited for your biology. 

    The best way is to eat foods that match your eating lifestyle by making healthier swaps. Ensure you consume the required amount of healthy fats, proteins, and dense carbs. Your meals should consist of mostly leafy greens, clean sources of protein and a limited amount of whole grains. You can access ourclean meal guide here as a blueprint to healthier eating every day. 

    Healthy fats slow down digestion, protein and fiber keep you satiated for longer, and good carbs provide energy. Together they help you consume fewer calories and lose weight in the process.

    Which Foods Should You Avoid?

    Avoid sugary foods and drinks, highly processed foods, unhealthy oils, and extra salt. Steer clear of alcohol during this process as they tend to be high in sugar. 

    In short: stay away from any food that provides empty calories and offers zero nutrition. 

    Don’t forget to hydrate yourself, especially before and after workouts. IncorporateRevive Beets + Roots to make the most out of your calorie burn during your workouts, and replenish your protein immediately afterwards withVegan Vanilla Proteini to preserve your lean muscle and to keep torching fat. Make thesejuices your new best friend.

    Fat Loss in a Nutshell

    • The best diet is the one you can stick to – choose one that works best for you. We designed theperfect system for you to stay on track for good. 
    • Optimal health goes beyond nutrition – ensure you get enough sleep, reduce stress, and keephydrating.
    • Be patient. A typical amount of weight loss is 12 pounds in three months and six months to lose 25. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.
    • Be consistent - you can’t starve yourself for days, then reward yourself by binging. Get into aroutine to make things a little easier.
    • Try to consume 500kcal per day less than you need – get a basic understanding of calories and the amount each food and drink contain so you can adjust them if you need to.
    • You may feel tired - but body will adjust and you will feel normal again.

    The secret to fat loss is out. Simple dietary changes, physical activity, enough sleep and hydration will help you reach your ideal weight and keep it steady.   

    Doctor’s Note

    A new series featuring leading physicians who love plants as much as we do!

    For more SMART lifestyle tips like this, visit our other blogs at and follow us on Instagram or like us on Facebook. You can also visit our shop to stock up on our delicious juices.

    Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is the responsibility of you and your healthcare providers to make all decisions regarding your health. We recommend that you consult with your healthcare providers regarding the diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition. Products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.