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  • Top Hormones That Affect Weight Loss: Part 1 By Dr. Jason Dave

    May 24, 2021 5 min read

    Doctor’s Note
    A new series featuring leading physicians who love plants as much as we do!


    Many people who diet, exercise and still struggle with weight end up blaming it on their hormones. However, which hormones are actually responsible for our stubborn belly fat?

    Our bodies produce more than200 different types of hormones which can affect our overall health and well-being in many ways. Hormones control a variety of factors such as your mood, emotions, growth, appetite and metabolism (which plays a role in weight management), sleep, and sexual function. 

    Proper hormonal balance plays an important role in achieving optimal health- having too high or low of a certain hormone may cause problems with weight, mood, blood sugar control and fat storage. 

    Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important hormones that play a role in fat and weight loss. 


    1. Insulin

    Insulin is an important hormone produced by our pancreas that allows our cells to absorb and use glucose (or sugar) in our blood for energy. Eating a diet rich in sugar, simple carbohydrates and processed foods causes blood sugar to rise quickly- causing our body to produce more insulin in order to bring the blood sugar level back down to normal. Eating these foods frequently can cause a continuous spike in blood sugar and insulin levels, eventually resulting in insulin resistance (or when cells become insensitive to insulin receptors causing blood glucose to be built up in the blood since it is not absorbed). Over time, this build-up of extra sugar in insulin resistance can result in excess belly fat, increased inflammation, and can put you at a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.  

    What can you do about it? 

    • Increase physical activity. Try and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise each week.
    • Increase fiber intake and decrease sugar intake, processed foods and simple carbohydrates. If you’re finding it hard to incorporate more fiber into your diet, we’ve got you covered! Our deliciousPineapple Chia Cleanse is packed with all the fiber you need, which helps to keep your cravings and blood sugar under control.
    • To learn more about insulin resistance and some other great tips to combat it, check out our blogBelly Fat (and the hormone that’s responsible for it).


    2. Cortisol

    In today’s fast-paced society, stress is a very common aspect in our lives- whether it’s from a relationship or from our job. Cortisol, or our “stress hormone,” is produced by the adrenal glands to help us cope with these stressors in our daily life. Chronically high cortisol levels due to long-term high stress can cause an unhealthy increase in our blood sugar, lower our immune response, and promote the accumulation of belly fat. Stress can also lower magnesium levels, which can negatively affect our mood and cognition, eating behavior, and sleep quality. Higher levels of stress can also cause you to crave more unhealthy food choices that are high in sugar and unhealthy carbohydrates. 

    What can you do about it?

    • Practicing stress-reduction techniques such asbreathing exercises, meditating, listening to nature sounds, trying Qigong or even going for an outdoor walk can all help with relaxation and reducing stress levels.
    • Consuming foods like flax, chia, and sacha inchi seeds can provide a rich source of magnesium which can combat these negative effects and provide continued benefits throughout the day. OurVegan Vanilla Proteini contains these superfoods to provide you with plenty of magnesium, as well as ample protein to help balance out those blood sugar levels!
    • Get more sleep! Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Lack of sleep can drive sugar and carbohydrate cravings by affecting the hormones that control your appetite. 

    3. Thyroid hormone

    Our thyroid gland helps to regulate metabolism. When our thyroid hormone levels are very low (as a result of an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism), it can cause slow metabolism and weight gain. Typically, more women than men experience hypothyroidism which is a common occurrence in the U.S.  

    What can you do about it?

    • Try our deliciousOrganic Pressed Greens, which contains researched-based ingredients such as ashwagandha and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, spinach and kale) to support optimal thyroid health.
    •  Increase intake of nuts. Macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts are excellent sources of selenium, which can helps support healthy thyroid function.
    • If you are iodine-deficient, consider adding iodized table salt to your meals or eating foods higher in iodine such as seaweed or fish.
    • Consider taking a dietary supplement that contains selenium, zinc and L-tyrosine. These ingredients have been found to play a critical role in thyroid health, and are found to belower in those with hypothyroidism .
    • Talk to your doctor about thyroid hormone replacement if you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

    4. Estrogen 

    Although estrogen is produced in both women and men, it is present in higher amounts in women. In women, estrogen plays an important role in the female reproductive system and is responsible for the development of female characteristics. A decrease in estrogen levels, as seen in women after menopause, can cause an increase in fatty deposits, especially in the abdominal area. Mainly produced by the ovaries, when estrogen levels diminish, it forces the body to produce it from other sources such as fat cells (resulting in cravings for fatty or sugary foods). Other imbalances in estrogen can be caused by oral contraceptive use and being obese (or overweight). 

    What can you do about it?

    • If postmenopausal, talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy.
    • To learn more about the symptoms of low estrogen levels and a wellness protocol to combat it, check out our blogHow to Navigate Hormones After 35.
    • If you are using oral contraceptives, talk to your doctor about some alternative means of birth control.
    • Eat less red meat.
    • Consider a detoxification for your body, as xenoestrogens (chemicals that come from our environment that resemble estrogen) can result in an imbalance in estrogen levels. Our Organic Pressed Greens contains chlorella, wheatgrass, and dandelion to provide you with a whole body detoxification. 

    In addition to the diet and lifestyle suggestions listed above, it is a great idea to work with your doctor so he or she can provide you with regular routine preventative screenings and annual physical exams. Apart from your usual routine annual blood work, notify your doctor if you have any other concerns mentioned above (insulin resistance, thyroid, cortisol, or women’s health) so they can order the appropriate blood test markers to further investigate them. 

    A great way to cover all your bases is to incorporate theEVERYTHING BUNDLE into your diet, which provides each of the superfoods I mentioned to help support optimal hormones for weight loss.

    Stay tuned for Part 2 on this blog edition ofTop Hormones That Affect Weight Loss, which will be published soon!

    To your health,

    Dr. Jason Dave


    Doctor’s Note

    A new series featuring leading physicians who love plants as much as we do!

    For more SMART lifestyle tips like this, visit our other blogs at and follow us on Instagram or like us on Facebook. You can also visit our shop to stock up on our delicious juices.


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