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  • January 10, 2020 5 min read

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a constant battle, and the diet decisions you make every day push the needle closer or further from your goals. Health isn't something that can be conquered or permanently achieved, and that can make it daunting. At the same time, it can be very rewarding to become disciplined in your diet.

    But what if you get stuck in a rut? Life gets busy, work gets in the way, and friends and family shouldn't be ignored. It's easy to resort to an unhealthy meal when you don't have time to make something nutritious.

    Still, poor health decisions aren't always the byproduct of stress. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a tasty meal when out with friends, but we often end up feeling guilty nevertheless.

    When poor health decisions pile up and the body isn't getting the nutrients it needs, the cells in your body become susceptible to a number of chronic health conditions - including weight gain. 

    If you’ve been in a rut for a while, then the best way to break out of it is with a new health plan. And there’s no better way to kick off a new health plan than with a detox!

    When you’replanning a detox, there are two things you absolutely cannot forget: protein and fiber.

    Every Detox Needs Protein

    When most people think about detoxes, water, vegetables, and fruits come to mind. If these items are the focus of your detox, your body will be hydrated. While hydration is important, the goal of a detox is to activate your body's detoxification pathways.

    Metabolic detoxification starts with the liver and works through pathways known asphase I andphase II detoxification. These pathways have the ability to make toxins water-soluble so they can be properly excreted through the kidneys, intestines, and skin.

    • Phase Iutilizes enzymes to alter fat-soluble toxins, making them less harmful so they can be properly metabolized by phase II enzymes.
    • Phase IIdetoxification takes the toxins metabolized by phase I enzymes and makes them water-soluble. This is done through a process called conjugation, in which pathways attach toxins to molecules so they can be properly excreted by the body.

    How does this relate to protein? Most cleansing diets are protein-deficient, which impedes phase II detoxification. This phase of detoxification heavily relies on amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Toxins must be conjugated with amino acids so they can be carried out of the body.

    If you aren't getting enough protein, phase II detoxification can be hindered and create an imbalance in the process. Without proteins helping to remove toxins from the body, toxins will remain and build up even more.

    All types of proteins are important to detoxification, but proteins with high amounts of methionine, an amino acid, are essential. Methionine is vital to a process called methylation, which helps create glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant that is integral to detoxification because it makes it possible for the body to excrete toxic chemicals.

    To ensure your proteins have enough methionine, focus on plant-based sources of protein such as brown rice, lentils, chickpeas, sesame seeds, soy, and pinto beans. Or, if you are an omnivore, proteins such as organic lean turkey, beef and chicken.

    You Won’t Get Far Without Fiber

    Consuming the proper proteins ensures toxins will enter the proper pathways for elimination, and that's where fiber comes in. Elimination is the final step of the detoxification process, and there's nothing that really gets things going like fiber.

    Fiber offers a variety of health benefits, so it should be part of your diet regardless of your detox status. However, in order to truly unlock the benefits fiber can provide, it's important to consume a variety of fibers as well as the proper types.

    Fiber is another word for a carbohydrate that the human body cannot digest. Even though the body can't break down fiber or absorb it for nutrients, it still plays a very important role in the body's overall health and wellness.

    There are two main types of fiber:

    • Soluble Fiber: This type of fiber combines with water, creating a gel-like substance in the intestines. In addition to reducing blood sugar spikes, soluble fiber helps you feel full for a longer period of time.
    • Insoluble Fiber: This type of fiber typically passes through the body as is. Insoluble fiber helps bulk up your waste to ensure it's properly eliminated.

    Soluble fiber soaks up potentially harmful compounds, such as excess estrogen and unhealthy fats, before they can be absorbed by the body. Insoluble fiber also makes things move along more quickly, thereby limiting the amount of time that chemicals like BPA, mercury, and pesticides stay in your system. The faster they go through you, the less chance they have to cause harm.

    Fiber can additionally be classified as viscous or non-viscous as well as fermentable or non-fermentable. The viscous and non-viscous categories relate to the viscosity of the gel-like substance created when soluble fiber and water mix. More viscous fibers stay in the gut longer, slowing down digestion and elongating the "full" feeling.

    The fermentable and non-fermentable classifications can be soluble or insoluble fibers and address whether or not bacteria in the gut use the fiber as a fuel source. 

    How does fiber help eliminate toxins? It can happen a few different ways. A common way is by binding to bile and removing them from the body. Fat-soluble toxins are typically eliminated in this manner. 

    Fiber also binds directly to heavy metals and causes elimination by moving them throughout the digestive system. It's also common for toxins to simply bind directly to fiber (instead of binding to bile, for example) to get eliminated. Fiber also binds with fat and sugar molecules as they travel through your digestive tract, which reduces the number of calories you actually absorb after a heavy meal.

    The Best Way to Get the Fiber and Protein You Need

    As you can see, a detox is not a true detox unless protein and fiber are at the forefront of your elimination plan. But what’s the best way to ensure you get your daily dose of protein and fiber? 

    You can’t just eat anything with protein and fiber in it. Be careful to focus on organic, clean label products. Otherwise, you could risk introducing even more toxins to your body. That seems counter-productive, doesn't it?

    This is exactly why Smart Pressed Juice exists. 

    If you want to treat your body right, ourVegan Vanilla Proteini is the way to go. This perfect dose of protein is exactly what your liver needs for detoxification. Comprised of 10 amazing superfood proteins, our Proteini is chock-full of plant-based amino acids that will help eliminate the toxins that have piled up in your body.

    OurPineapple Chia Cleanse is also perfect for anyone in need of fiber during a detox. Containing 15 nutritional superfoods, you'll get a healthy dose of protein and activated fibers. The Pineapple Chia Cleanse also contains a blend of enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics to keep your digestive system running smoothly.

    You can find both products in our1-day,3-day, and7-day cleanses, which are perfect for anyone looking to eliminate toxins and start fresh.

    For more SMART lifestyle tips like this, visit and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, or like us on Facebook. You can also visit our Amazon store to stock up on our delicious juices.


    Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is the responsibility of you and your healthcare providers to make all decisions regarding your health. We recommend that you consult with your healthcare providers regarding the diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition. Products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.